2024-25 Tree Coupon Program
Tree Coupon requests for this season has officially closed. The last day to redeem your coupon is March 31, 2025. If you would like to be notified when the 2025-2026 season begins, please fill out this request form. If you have any questions, please reach out to the City of Tacoma's Urban Forestry team at trees@cityoftacoma.org.
Thank you for your commitment to trees throughout Pierce County!
Request Form
How the Tree Coupon Program Works
Tree coupons are valid for $30 off each tree purchased, up to three trees per coupon, at select local tree retailers. These trees are for residential property and may be planted on your private property or in right-of-way (such as planting strips) abutting your property.

Tree Coupon Program Details
Tree Coupons are for one-time use per residential property. If you have redeemed a tree coupon in previous years for your property, you will not be eligible to receive a new one. If you are a new owner of a property that already had a coupon issued to it and would like to plant more trees, please contact us at trees@cityoftacoma.org. Due to limited coupon quantities, if you lose your original coupon we cannot offer replacements.
Coupons are valid at participating tree retailers during the program season, for $30 off each five-gallon or larger tree, for up to three trees per coupon/property. For the purposes of this program, trees are woody plants whose height is greater than 15 feet at maturity. Coupons are valid from October 1 through March 31.
For residents wishing to plant their trees in the Right-of-Way (planting strip), a no-fee permit is required and can be submitted online or in person. Please consult our Planting in the Rights-of-Way web page for more information. Visit our Planting and Growing web page for information on how to properly plant and care for your tree.
- Limited to one coupon per household/property parcel, valid for the purchase of up to three trees per coupon.
- Lost coupons cannot be replaced.
- Only Pierce County residents are eligible at this time due to the source of funding.
- The minimum redemption value is $30 (or less if the purchase price is less than $30).
- The maximum redemption value is $90.
- The coupon does not cover tax for the purchase of the tree(s). All tax must be paid by the coupon bearer.
- Coupons are for one-time use by an owner. Multiple requests (more than one year) for a single property are ineligible.
- Coupons are valid for the purchase of trees only.
- The coupons are not transferable or redeemable for cash.
About This Program
Well-placed and well-tended trees can enhance energy savings, storm water management, air pollutant filtration, ambient air-cooling and of course, beauty in the landscape. The City of Tacoma has a goal of increasing its tree canopy cover from roughly 20% to 30% by 2030. This program is one effort to encourage residential homeowners to participate in the achievement of that goal. We need more trees throughout our community to benefit from all of the services that trees provide!
The program began in 2011 and in 2016, the program expanded from the City of Tacoma into all of Pierce County. In 2018, our partners at Tacoma Public Utilities decided to join the program on a pilot basis. They provide staff expertise, marketing support, and funds from the residential conservation program at Tacoma Power, which has doubled the coupon value. City of Tacoma stormwater utility fees also fund the trees planted within the City limits. Our participating nurseries work hard to handle the flurry of coupons, guide customers in appropriate tree selection and provide billing for reimbursement.
To review more details on the program history, statistics, and testimonials from participants, view the previous end of Season Reports:
2019-2020 Tree Coupon End of Season Report
2018-2019 Tree Coupon End of Season Report
For questions, please contact us at trees@cityoftacoma.org.
Things to Know Before You Buy a Tree
- Anticipated height and width at maturity
- Plant deciduous trees on the SW or SE side of your home for summer shade and winter sun
- Plant evergreen trees to block winter winds
- Call 811 before you dig the hole for your new tree to make sure you won't hit utility lines
- Plant small (max ht. 25') trees under power lines
- Water new trees from April to October for three years following planting to establish roots
- Watering bags or buckets and soaker hoses helps save water
- Water in early mornings or late evenings