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Bicycle Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group

 Duties and Responsibilities

The City of Tacoma Bicycle Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group (BPTAG) advises the Transportation Commission on active transportation-related matters. BPTAG focuses on making it safer and easier to use active transportation in Tacoma, which includes walking, using an assistive mobility device, bicycling, skating, and riding a skateboard or scooter.


Members of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group play an essential role in:

  • Prioritizing new bicycle and pedestrian projects throughout Tacoma.
  • Providing feedback on the design of active transportation projects.
  • Developing new policies to improve active transportation safety and access.
  • Giving input on active transportation programs and events.
  • Bringing community concerns to the attention of City staff and leaders.

Recent BPTAG accomplishments include helping:

  • Provide feedback on the design of the City’s first cycle track/protected bike lanes on E 64th St from Pacific Avenue to E McKinley Avenue
  • Create new rules related to active transportation & micromobility (shared scooters) – including where electric scooters are allowed to ride and City’s helmet policy
  • Develop priority projects for grant opportunities based on safety, equity, and connectivity – including recent grant applications for protected bike lanes on S Cedar St (S 15th St - Center St) and a bicycle boulevard on J Street (N 3rd St - S 27th St), which were both funded.
  • Provide input on partner projects that relate to active transportation safety & access, including Sound Transit’s Tacoma Dome Link Extension Project and the South Tacoma Sounder Station Access Project


BPTAG consists of 11 voting members, plus one alternate. Members are City of Tacoma residents with knowledge or first-hand experience about pedestrian, bicycle, health, parks and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) issues. 

Name Term Expiration
Ileana Areiza September 2025
Steve Demmer
May 2026
Jennifer Halverson-Kuehn August 2025
Julian Helmer August 2027
Teena Johnson
August 2027
Dmitri Keating April 2027
Sara Kiesler
April 2027
Thomas O'Neil April 2027
Treveon Parish
Youth Alternate Position (Age 16-18)

April 2025
Jami Stavlo
April 2027
Riley Weaver
Youth Position (Age 16-18)
April 2025


To be notified of future openings - email lkaster@cityoftacoma.org to be added to the BPTAG mailing list or watch our social media pages for announcements - find us on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.



Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Members of the public can participate in the monthly Zoom meeting virtually, on the phone, or at Tacoma Municipal Building (747 Market St Tacoma, WA 98402) in Room 248. 


Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/99545896138?pwd=Skd4dDI0WFQreDU4eFpHQlV5U2J5Zz09 

Phone: 253-215-8782
Meeting ID: 995 4589 6138
Passcode: 762319


There is an opportunity for members of the community to provide public comment at each meeting, whether you are attending virtually, in person, or on the phone. Visit our monthly meeting agenda for more details on upcoming meetings (including any cancellations or special meetings).



In 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution 38669 to establish a Transportation Commission. The Bicycle Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group (BPTAG), formerly the Bicycle Pedestrian Action Committee (BPAC) was formed to advise the Transportation Commission on active transportation issues.


Staff Support

Staffing support to BPTAG is provided by the Public Works Transportation Division. For more information about BPTAG or applying for membership, contact the City's Active Transportation Coordinator, Liz Kaster, at lkaster@cityoftacoma.org or 253-363-1135.

Time and Day

5:30 PM 
Fourth Monday of the Month


Meetings are held in a hybrid format - see below or the monthly meeting agenda for opportunities to participate.


Additional Information

Staff Liaison

Liz Kaster

(253) 363-1135
