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Draft Environmental Action Plan

City Invites Input on Draft Environmental Action Plan


Dec. 11, 2015



Kristin Lynett, Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability, kristin.lynett@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5571


City Invites Input on Draft Environmental Action Plan


The City of Tacoma is seeking public feedback on a number of environmental actions proposed for 2016-2020. The new Environmental Action Plan, scheduled for adoption in early 2016, will update the 2008 Climate Action Plan, outlining strategies for reducing climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions and making other improvements to the local environment in accordance with the City’s Strategic Plan.


Over the past several months, staff from City departments and other local organizations worked together to identify meaningful actions that would address environmental issues and improve equity and livability across Tacoma. Elements of the draft plan were presented at a public meeting on Dec. 7, as a part of the City’s Climate Conversations series, with attendees identifying which of the potential actions should be given the highest priority.


The public comment process will continue through the month of December in the form of an online open house available to all Tacoma residents. 


“The online format allows us to reach out and gather comments from those who couldn’t make it to the public meeting,” said Office of Sustainability Manager Kristin Lynett. “The City hopes to receive several hundred responses through the website.”


The online open house will show residents the potential actions in six categories including: natural systems, air and local food, buildings and energy, transportation, materials management, and climate resiliency.


To learn more about the Tacoma Environmental Action Plan and offer feedback, visit tacomaeap.publicmeeting.info.



