• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData


In Motion Launches in Downtown Tacoma

In Motion Launches in Downtown Tacoma through September 22


July 2, 2019



Tanisha Jumper, Media and Communications, tjumper@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5152

Stacy Ellifritt, Media and Communications, stacy.ellifritt@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2005


In Motion Launches in Downtown Tacoma through September 22


The City of Tacoma launched its third In Motion program on Monday, July 1, running through Sunday, September 22. Downtown In Motion offers community members who live in Downtown Tacoma the opportunity to sign up and receive free transportation tools and customized information packets. Participants are encouraged to use these tools to explore downtown and beyond using healthier travel options.


By walking, bicycling, taking the bus, riding the Link light rail or Sounder train, and carpooling to get around town and beyond, residents save time and money while helping reduce traffic and parking congestion. When Downtown Tacoma residents sign up and fill out a short travel survey they can select to receive a $20 ORCA card or rechargeable bike light, along with a customized packet of transportation information. 


The first In Motion program ran in Stadium District in 2014-2015 and the second program in Hilltop between 2015-2016. Participants are invited to fill out an end of program survey. The travel survey data is compared to the end of program survey data to assess if participants tried new ways of getting around and how often.


This program is a partnership between the City, Pierce Transit, Pierce County, and Downtown On the Go. Funding is from a Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality grant.


To sign up, visit the registration survey. For questions, email tacomamobility@cityoftacoma.org or call (253) 591-5511.





