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Study Reveals Economic Impact of Tacoma’s Nonprofit Arts and Culture Sector is Nearly $163 Million

Study Reveals Economic Impact of Tacoma’s Nonprofit Arts and Culture Sector is Nearly $163 Million


October 24, 2023



Maria Lee, Media and Communications, maria.lee@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2054

Study Reveals Economic Impact of Tacoma’s Nonprofit Arts and Culture Sector is Nearly $163 Million

-Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Study Centers Equity in Economic Research and Highlights Vital Role of Arts and Culture in Building More Livable Communities-


TACOMA, Wash. – Last year, Tacoma’s nonprofit arts and culture sector generated nearly $163 million in economic activity, according to the newly released Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) study. That economic activity, which includes $75.9 million in event-related spending by audiences and $87.1 million in spending by nonprofit arts and culture organizations, supported 2,065 jobs and generated $28.7 million in local, state, and federal government revenue.


AEP6 is an economic and social impact study conducted approximately every five years by  Americans for the Arts. Building on its 30-year legacy as the largest and most inclusive study of its kind, AEP6 uses a rigorous methodology to document the economic and social contributions of the nation’s nonprofit arts and culture industry. The study demonstrates that nationally, and locally in Tacoma, arts and culture are a critical economic driver of vibrant communities.


“This study reaffirms what we have always known to be true – that arts and culture are not only essential to our quality of life and our shared identity as a city, they also play an important role in our economic vitality,” said Mayor Victoria Woodards. “Embracing the arts isn't just a celebration of our heritage. It's a cornerstone of economic growth, weaving the colorful threads of creativity into the fabric of prosperity.”


“The civic building work we do at the Chamber is all about building connections, growing our local economy and strengthening community, and nothing connects us more or offers us greater opportunities to collaborate and invest in our shared humanity than the arts,” said Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Andrea Reay. “This study quantifies what we see and experience every day – that arts and culture matter – both for building a strong community and a strong local economy.”

“Arts and culture organizations have a powerful ability to attract and hold dollars in the community longer. They employ people locally, purchase goods and services from nearby businesses, and produce the authentic cultural experiences that are magnets for visitors, tourists, and new residents,” said Nolen V. Bivens, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts. “When we invest in nonprofit arts and culture, we strengthen our economy and build more livable communities.”


Nationally, the AEP6 study indicates that America’s nonprofit arts and culture sector is a $151.7 billion industry — one that supports 2.6 million jobs and generates $29.1 billion in government revenue. The full report, a map of the 373 study regions, and a two-page economic impact summary for each, can be found at AEP6.AmericansForTheArts.org. The study findings and full report for Tacoma is available at cityoftacoma.org/AEP


