• City of Tacoma QA
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Tacoma’s Solid Waste and Sewer Utilities Reaffirms Stable Bond Ratings

Tacoma’s Solid Waste and Sewer Utilities Reaffirms Stable Bond Ratings


April 10, 2018


Tanisha Jumper, Media and Communications, tjumper@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5152
Stacy Ellifritt, Media and Communications, stacy.ellifritt@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2005
Megan Snow, Media and Communications, msnow@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5051


Tacoma’s Solid Waste and Sewer Utilities Reaffirms Stable Bond Ratings

The City of Tacoma’s Solid Waste and Wastewater and Surface Water Utilities were recently evaluated by Fitch Ratings, which reaffirmed the City’s ratings and anticipates the ratings will continue to be stable for the next year. The utilities confirmed an AA- rating for solid waste and an AA+ rating for wastewater and surface water.


The credit rating agency reaffirmed the City’s ratings based on consistently strong debt service coverage, healthy liquidity, the utility's strong financial performance and a stable revenue stream. Other factors such as ample capacity for wastewater treatment, investments in plant assets and moderate rate increases were also key factors in determining the Utilities’ ratings.


