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Technical Issues in Council Chambers Fixed

February 28 City Council Noon Study Session and 5 PM Meeting Now Confirmed to Take Place in Tacoma Municipal Building Council Chambers as Usual


February 27, 2023


Jeff Lueders, Media and Communications, jlueders@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5152
Maria Lee, Media and Communications, maria.lee@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2054


February 28 City Council Noon Study Session and 5 PM Meeting Now Confirmed to Take Place
in Tacoma Municipal Building Council Chambers as Usual


TACOMA, Wash. -- Work to address technical issues that had emerged last Tuesday at the Tacoma Municipal Building Council Chambers (747 Market St., 1st Floor) is now complete. The City Council’s noon study session and 5 PM meeting tomorrow, February 28, are confirmed to take place in the Tacoma Municipal Building Council Chambers as usual. 

The City Council’s noon study session and 5 PM meeting on February 28 will be conducted in a hybrid format that includes in-person and remote options to attend.

  • The City Council’s noon study session can be attended remotely by dialing (253) 215-8782 or through Zoom at zoom.us/j/89496171192, and entering the meeting ID 894 9617 1192, and passcode 896569 when prompted. 

  • The City Council’s 5 PM meeting can be attended remotely by dialing (253) 215-8782 or through Zoom at zoom.us/j/84834233126 and entering the meeting ID 848 3423 3126 and passcode 349099, when prompted.

The City Council’s noon study session and 5 PM meeting will also air on TV Tacoma and stream on both tvtacoma.com and Facebook.

  • On Rainier Connect, TV Tacoma is available within Tacoma city limits and in Pierce County:

    On channel 512 in high definition

    On channel 12 in standard definition

    On channel 21 in standard definition in University Place

  • On Comcast, TV Tacoma is available:

    On channel 321 in high definition within Tacoma 
    city limits and in Pierce County
    On channel 12 in standard definition within Tacomacity limits
    On channel 21 in Pierce County

    TV Tacoma is not available on Comcast in University 

City Council agendas and minutes are available at cityoftacoma.legistar.com. Notices are available at cityoftacoma.org/notices.  



