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Green Tacoma Day, Tacoma's Arbor Day on October 14

Community Members Invited to Participate in Activities Celebrating Green Tacoma Day and Tacoma’s Arbor Day on October 14


September 13, 2023



Maria Lee, Media & Communications, maria.lee@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2054

Community Members Invited to Participate in Activities
Celebrating Green Tacoma Day and Tacoma’s Arbor Day on October 14


TACOMA, Wash. – The City of Tacoma, along with others involved in the Green Tacoma Partnership, invites community members to participate in Green Tacoma Day and Tacoma’s Arbor Day events on Saturday, October 14, from 9 AM to noon. Participants can volunteer to plant trees, and remove weeds and litter, while connecting with other likeminded community members looking to spruce up local green spaces. No experience is necessary. Tools, gloves, and training will be provided. 


Participants can choose from events at the following Green Tacoma Day locations: Gog-le-hi-te Wetlands, Clover Creek Technical College, McKinley Hill, Lincoln Park, Proctor Business District, South Ash Open Space, Trafton Open Space, Titlow Park, Swan Creek, Kandle Park, Fred Meyer (at South 74th and South D streets), and Spanaway Park.


Additionally, three lead-up events will take place, one on each Saturday in the weeks leading up to Green Tacoma Day. Community members are invited to participate in Hops for Tree Tops, a Nature Mindfulness Walk, and a City of Tacoma Nursery Tour.

More information is available at greentacomaday.org, or by emailing
LMatteri@cityoftacoma.org or calling (253) 325-1393.


Tacoma and Pierce County residents interested in keeping their backyards green are also encouraged to participate in the City of Tacoma’s Tree Coupon Program. Coupons can be requested October 1, 2023 - March 15, 2024. More information is available at cityoftacoma.org/treecoupon.                                                                                                 


About the Green Tacoma Partnership

Green Tacoma Partnership members and partners include the Tacoma Tree Foundation, Pierce Conservation District, Communities for a Healthy Bay, City of Tacoma, Metro Parks Tacoma, and the South End Neighborhood Council.

About Green Tacoma Day and Tacoma’s Arbor Day


Green Tacoma Day celebrates the Green Tacoma Partnership’s work to restore urban green spaces, while Tacoma’s Arbor Day celebrates the planting, growing, and caring of Tacoma’s trees. For 29 years, the Arbor Day Foundation has recognized Tacoma as a Tree City USA, and for 19 years has also recognized Tacoma Power as a Tree Line USA, for the City’s commitment to maintaining a healthy tree canopy. 
